Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End o' the Year

Well there it is. After finals week, I set the goal (and didn't tell anyone but my wife) to do an average of one post per day for the month of December. As you can see, I succeeded, and with no more fluff than usual. That comes to a total of 121 posts this year, up from 84 last year. That's a pretty good average of one every three days.

I would like to take this opportunity to not wave it in the face of Wilson who challenged me to write more even though his blog has seen a grand total of 22 posts since February and many of his posts begin with "sorry for not posting" or something of the like. But I won't wave it in his face. He was busy getting his wife pregnant which as you can imagine is hard to do while blogging, but I digress.

Thanks to all both my regular readers, I hope you had a good year and learned some stuff.
See you next year.

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